Cosmic twins ASHVINS in the context of Vedic mythology personify unity of
dichotomizing world contrasts which can be considered as analogy of dual forces
Yang and Yin from the view point of Chinese philosophy of Taoism.
Mythological systems of different nations have information about divine or
cosmic twins which have various names, but in all cases such mythological
deities which are brother and sister, or two brothers who symbolize dialectic
principle of unity and struggle of opposite world forces.
Cosmic twins ASHVINS in hymns of Vedas have no personal names, that corresponds
with Ú hard and Ü soft marks which have no own phonetic values,
namely do not possess sounding.
ASHVINS according to word meanings of Vedic Sanskrit are deities which possess
horses, and consequently they are interconnected with atmospheric gods VAYU
and VATA who move on the sky in horse chariots. Also ASHVINS have interrelation
with INDRA who is divine driver in chariots of VAYU and VATA.
Parents of cosmic twins ASHVINS and INDRA also VAYU
and VATA are mythological Vedic god of sky DYAUS and goddess of ground PRITHIVI.
Actually cosmic twins ASHVINS are brothers of VAYU
and VATA also INDRA, that corresponds with phonetic status of hard and soft
marks which as alphabetic symbols designate the reduced soundings of vowel
sounds É Û È.
Because according to rules of Russian language the dividing hard mark has
phonetic using before iotated vowels and merges with iotating sounding of É.
For example in Russian word ÎÁÚ¨Ì the dividing hard mark has position before iotated
vowel sound ¨ and merges with iotating sounding.
Also according to rules of Russian language the soft mark and vowel sound È
are interchangeable. For example, it is possible to write ÐÎÆÄÅÍÈÅ or ÐÎÆÄÅÍÜÅ,
namely the soft mark can designate the reduced sounding of vowel phoneme È.
Therefore cosmic twins ASHVINS are connected with group of atmospheric gods of
Vedic myths and vowel sounds of human speech, as it is possible to see on the chart.
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The shown charts on this and previous pages are similar
but parities of atmospheric Vedic gods in this case are compared with magic numbers
of Greek Pythagorean numerology and axes of global world categories. Four axes of global world categories correspond with identical sums of numerological numbers, that is magic property. Axis of matter - numbers 3 and 7 - sum 10. Axis of energy - numbers 1 and 9 - sum 10. Axis of space - numbers 4 and 6 - sum 10. Axis of time - numbers 2 and 8 - sum 10. |
MATARISHVAN and PARJANYA form global axis of matter as correspond to parameters of
atmosphere which has strong electrostatic tension, that is caused by large
number of molecular particles of firm material substance in air.
RUDRA and APAS form global axis of energy as correspond to parameters of
atmosphere which has weak electrostatic tension, that is caused by small
quantity of molecular particles of firm material substance in air.
It is possible to tell that RUDRA and APAS are personifications of atmospheric
parameters according to which energy of magnetic field of the Earth is free. But
MATARISHVAN and PARJANYA personify atmospheric parameters according to which
energy of magnetic field of the Earth is interfaced to particles of firm matter.
VAYU and VATA form global axis of space as personify movement of air in space of
terrestrial atmosphere.
ASHVINS form global axis of time as these mythological entities are
keepers of chronological cycles according to which there is existential
development of universe. In particular from the view point of meteorology two
cosmic twins ASHVINS correspond to contrast day and night changes of air temperature.
According to parities with axes of global world categories and magic numbers of
Greek Pythagorean numerology atmospheric gods and cosmic twins ASHVINS of Vedic
mythology can be compared to mythological deities of Ancient Greece.
Read information about characteristics of mythological gods of Ancient Greece in
myths or on pages of other website numeralgame.64g.ru in section which is
named as Pythagorean numerology.
ATHENA is goddess of wisdom and bravery.
THEMIS is goddess of divine validity and justice.
HESTIA personifies balance of global world categories and firmness of space.
HARMONIA is goddess who harmonizes contradictions of divine entities of Olympian pantheon.
INDRA holds vajra in hands as symbol of military
valor, also ATHENA is mythological goddess who was born in fighting armor with spear in hand.
INDRA is celestial thundering god, also ATHENA is goddess who stores lightning of ZEUS.
INDRA has overcame demon VRTRA, also
HESTIA keeps firmness of space and personifies victory over chaos.
INDRA is fair god in relation to people, also THEMIS and HARMONIA personify
divine validity which is definite in hierarchy of Olympian pantheon of Ancient Greece.
ARES personifies anger and aggression also fury and destruction.
ERIS personifies disputes and disagreements.
EPIMETHEUS is personification of impulsive and rash acts which have negative
consequences for people and gods.
ANGELOS is mythological goddess who was expelled from hierarchy of Olympian gods
in space of terrestrial level of universe, that can be compared to wife of RUDRA.
Namely to RUDASI or RODASI who according to word meanings of
Vedic Sanskrit personifies the ground and can be equivalent of Slavic goddess RODA.
RUDRA possesses violent and bloodthirsty customs, also ARES and EPIMETHEUS are
adverse deities.
RUDRA is strong and beautiful god, also goddess ANGELOS possesses divine beauty
which can be compared to radiation of the Sun.
RUDRA is personification of sexual vital energy which in the context of Hindu
mythology is symbol of SHIVA, also goddess ERIS can be considered as a source of
erotic energetic potential.
APHRODITE is goddess of love and beauty.
PASIPHEA is young and charming charite who personifies first youthful love.
NEMESIS is goddess of punishment, also clearing of fault as a result of remorse
and sincere repentance.
APAS is mythological image of enamored girl or loving wife, also PASIPHEA
personifies dreams about perfect love.
APAS is personification of celestial cosmic waters in which true and false ideas
are displayed as obvious, also NEMESIS is goddess who sees truth and lie in the
world of people.
APAS can be compare to alive water which clears and restores life, also
APHRODITE is mythological goddess who was born from sea foam as image of inspiring love.
Cosmic twins ASHVINS - numbers 2 and 8 in numerology.
ASHVINS personify dual forces Yang and Yin if to consider deities of Vedic
mythology from the view point of Chinese philosophy of Taoism, that corresponds
with APOLLO and ARTEMIS who in Greek myths too are brother and sister or divine twins.
APOLLO is solar deity and ARTEMIS is lunar goddess, also ASHVINS in the context
of Vedic mythology are connected with Moon and Sun as coordination with cycles
of time, and in particular as coordination with contrast day and night changes
of air temperature.
Force Yin in the context of Chinese philosophy of Taoism is pliable and passive,
that corresponds to soft mark.
Force ßíü in the context of Chinese philosophy of Taoism is rigid and active,
that corresponds to hard mark.
Hard mark Ú - number 8 - APOLLO - DELPHYNE - DIONYSUS.
APOLLO is mythological god of music and poetry, also medicine and healing from illnesses.
DELPHYNE is mythological god of prophecies and predictions, namely knowledge
about future time.
DIONYSUS is god of winemaking and idle pastime.
Cosmic twins ASHVINS are patrons of musicians and poets also doctors and
healers, that corresponds to characteristics of Apollo who was parent of ORPHEUS
and ASCLEPIUS, namely mythological gods of music and medicine.
Cosmic twins ASHVINS are experts on time, namely they possess knowledge about
past and future, that corresponds to characteristics of DELPHYNE who was god of
Delphic Oracle.
Cosmic twins ASHVINS are deities who rule over bees and create intoxicating
drink of honey, that corresponds to characteristics of DIONYSUS who personifies
occurrence of wine from grape juice.
Soft mark Ü - numder 2 - ARTEMIS - HECATE - PERSEPHONE - ADONIS.
ARTEMIS personify existence of alive essences according to biological laws of
life or biorhythms.
HECATE is goddess of love magic which predetermines destiny of future child who
should be born as a result of intentional union of man and woman.
PERSEPHONE is goddess of spring awakening and autumn withering of nature.
ADONIS personifies immortality which is possible as a result of integrate unity
of man and woman.
Cosmic twins ASHVINS possess knowledge about past and the future, namely they
see chronological sequence of evolutionary development of human life, that
corresponds to characteristics of ARTEMIS who rules over biological rhythms and
cycles of existence of alive essences.
Cosmic twins ASHVINS are participants of wedding ceremonies, also HECATE is
goddess who connects men and women by family nooses.
Cosmic twins ASHVINS are personification of morning sunrise and evening sunset,
that corresponds to characteristics of PERSEPHONE which personifies spring and
autumn changes of meteorological parameters of terrestrial atmosphere.
Cosmic twins ASHVINS possess eternal youth and can grant immortality, also
ADONIS could be eternally young and immortal as gods, but he has died as a
result of disagreements between ARTEMIS and PERSEPHONE.
PARJANYA - number 3 - HERMES - IRIS.
HERMES moves by means of winged sandals and announces will of gods, also this
Greek deity possesses golden magic staff which gives prophetic dreams and reveries.
IRIS is Greek goddess who personifies rainbow or iridescent spectrum of sunlight.
PARJANYA is mythological image of thunderclouds that corresponds to
characteristics of HERMES who is messenger of gods and walks on clouds in winged
sandals with magic staff which provokes prophetic dreams, because people before
thunder-storms and during rains wish to sleep.
Pay attention that words ÃШÇÀ or DREAM and ÃÐÎÇÀ or THUNDER-STORM
are equivalent in Russian language.
Also PARJANYA corresponds to characteristics of IRIS, because rainbows arise in
atmosphere of the Earth after thunder-storms or rains when solar beams become
multi-color in air which is sated by small rain drops.
PROMETHEUS is Greek god who has given sparks of divine fire to people.
HEPHAESTUS is mythological skilful master and smith, namely this Greek entity
personifies transformation of physical qualities of matter.
GANYMEDE is cupbearer and regulator of correct mutual relations in hierarchy of
Olympian gods.
HEBE stores and distributes divine ambrosia which is a source of power and
immortality of gods.
MATARISHVAN is Vedic god who on behalf of VIVASVAT has brought fire on the
ground, also PROMETHEUS has taken sparks of fire from smithy of HEPHAESTUS and
has given people.
MATARISHVAN coordinates emotions or operates by winds, that corresponds to
characteristics of HEBE and GANYMEDE which adjust mutual relations in hierarchy
of Olympian pantheon of Ancient Greece, namely these Greek deities distribute
equal shares of ambrosia and intoxicating nectar on feasts of gods.
It is necessary to tell that in myths of Ancient Greece and in the context of
Vedic mythology there is information on two kinds of divine drinks.
Ambrosia is a source of power and immortality of gods, that in Vedic mythology
corresponds to magic divine drink which occurs from AGNI and celestial fire.
Nectar is a source of vital force and intoxication of gods, that in Vedic
mythology corresponds to magic divine drink which occurs from SOMA and celestial water.
AGNI and SOMA are brothers of VAYU and VATA also INDRA.
ZEUS is divine ruler of air space.
POSEIDON is ruler of water elements.
DEMETER is personification of terrestrial well-being.
HADES is ruler of human souls in fiery empire of dead.
VAYU has personal right of first gulp of intoxicating divine drink on feasts of
gods, that corresponds to characteristics of ZEUS and HADES also POSEIDON and
DEMETER which are supreme deities of Olympian pantheon.
VAYU personifies air and breath which is necessary condition for existence of
life, that corresponds to characteristics of ZEUS who rules over air space as
main entity among supreme Olympic gods.
VAYU is magnanimous, also DEMETER is generous goddess who gives people well-being.
VAYU is liberal, also POSEIDON can perform autocratic acts which contradict will of ZEUS.
HERA is legal wife of ZEUS.
LETO is illegal wife of ZEUS.
EILITHIA is favorite daughter of ZEUS.
VATA personifies wind and breath of gods, also this deity moves on the sky in
chariot of VAYU, that corresponds to characteristics of HERA and LETO also AMPHITRITE
and EILITHIA which are interconnected with ZEUS and POSEIDON as supreme
goddesses of Olympian pantheon.
VAYU and VATA form divine pair which personifies movement of air. But air
streams of VAYU are counterbalanced, and breath of VATA is intensive, that
corresponds to characteristics of Greek gods which are connected with
numerological numbers 6 and 4.
Also VAYU and VATA are interconnected with cosmic twins ASHVINS, that is basis
of classical compass winds or geographical points of movement of air weights in
atmosphere of the Earth, as it is possible to see on the chart.
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The shown chart corresponds to the classical compass
winds of Ancient Greece. VAYU - northern wind BOREAS. VATA - southern wind of NOTOS. ASHVINS - eastern and western winds. Hard mark. Northeast wind CAECIAS. East wind APELIOTES. Southeast wind EURUS. Soft mark. Southwest wind LIPS. West wind ZEPHYRUS. Northwest wind ARGESTES, |
Cosmic twins ASHVINS alongside with VAYU and VATA personify movement of air
because space and time form continuum of two global world categories.
Namely VAYU and VATA personify winds which correspond with position of Sun in
zenith, that corresponds to with south or north. And cosmic twins ASHVINS
personify winds which correspond with position of Sun on line of horizon during
sunrise or sunset.
Sunrise on day of summer solstice - reference point of northeast wind.
Sunrise on day of spring or autumn equinox - reference point of east wind.
Sunrise on day of winter solstice - reference point of southeast wind.
Sunset on day of winter solstice - reference point of southwest wind.
Sunset on day of spring or autumn equinox - reference point of west wind.
Sunset on day of summer solstice - reference point of northwest wind.
Cosmic twins ASHVINS in Vedic mythology are keepers of time and consequently
they have connection not only with contrast day and night changes of air
temperature but also with winds which correspond with position of Sun on horizon
during sunrise or sunset within annual cycle.
Each of twins corresponds with three geographical reference points within
classical compass winds of Ancient Greece. But it is necessary to consider that
VAYU and VATA too possess complex parities with geographical reference points of
space, because Greek mythology has information about several northern and
southern winds which are interconnected with BOREAS and NOTOS.
Read more detail information on classical compass winds of Ancient Greece in
books of Greek philosophers Aristotle and Theophrastus about meteorology and weather.
Together with cosmic twins ASHVINS and eleven atmospheric gods of Vedic myths
with vowel sounds of human speech can be compared Maruts which are children of
Maruts correspond to diphthongs, because these deities according to word
meanings of Vedic Sanskrit are loud-voiced or loudly singing.
Combinations of vowel sounds ÀÝ and ÓÎ are not diphthongs, because
these phonetic units correspond to letters Æ and W which are absent in
contemporary Russian language and alphabet. But letters Æ and W correspond with
Vedic deities AGNI and SOMA which exist irrespective of divine hierarchy of 33 gods.
AGNI has interconnection with RUDRA and has been brought on the ground by MATARISHVAN,
that corresponds to vowel sounds À and Ý.
To sound combination ÀÝ there corresponds letter Æ which exists in the
Icelandic alphabet.
SOMA has interconnection with cosmic waters of APAS and has been grown by PARJANYA,
that corresponds to vowel sounds Ó and Î.
To sound combination ÓÎ there corresponds letter W in English or German alphabets.
AGNI and SOMA are very significant deities of Vedic mythology though these
celestial entities exist irrespective of basic divine hierarchy.
Alongside with the listed names ancient texts of Vedas have other variants RUDRA,
PINGALAKSHA, RUCHI, SHUCHI which are epithets of basic names of eleven
atmospheric gods in Vedic mythology.
Following page compares atmospheric gods and cosmic twins ASHVINS also heavenly deities of Vedic myths to numbers of Pythagorean numerology and zodiacal signs according to ratio of astrological circle with axes of global world categories.